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Crash on loading save


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I know you saw this topic a hundred times at least but don't leave just yet.

I started a new game and it worked fine.

The only thing i uninstalled was a texture mod which was loose files not an esp.

It worked fine and I could load the game. I took a break when I got to Riverwood.

I got back a few hours later loaded the game and it crashed. I tried all my saves and they crashed even though i could load them before. I didn't change any mod before the problem as I uninstalled the texture mod before the problem started.

I tried the sound fix and i'll try restarting soon.

An interesting thing though is that already on start my save file 6mb. But that's probably because I have like 143 esp's xD.


Thanks in advance.


Edit: Nevermind I restarted the PC and it worked. For some reason.

Edited by HerpingandDerping
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