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No mods working since power surge


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Hi. I hope this is in the right section.


Last week, there was a power surge and my PC got turned off while Skyrim and Nexus were running. I have about 20 mods that I use. Since that happened, none of my mods work...


I uninstalled Nexus and downloaded & installed the newest version, uninstalled and deleted every mod and downloaded the newest version of a few mods just to test, and none of them work either. They say they are installed and they are ticked - but every time I load Skyrim it's still just vanilla.


This was obviously caused by the PC being suddenly powered off like that, but I thought a fresh install of Nexus would fix it. I suppose I should reinstall Skyrim too, but before I embark on that labourious quest, I thought I'd see if anyone helse had experienced this and/or learned of a fix.



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Nope. Never happened to me and I live in an area with frequent power outages.


Reinstalling isn't that hard. Just delete all the local files on your computer and then have Steam install everything again. Then go make a sandwich, maybe catch a movie. When you come back it should be all installed again.

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