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Turning Ysolda into a proper follower.


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Hello friends!


To make the long story short, I love Ysolda, starting by the name, so I decided to make her a follower after my character Sigridr married her. I intended to do this via Console with the following commands:


addfac 5c84D 1 (to turn into a follower)

addfac 0005a1a4 (to turn into playerfaction)

setlevel 1000,0,1,81 (to set the level to that of the player, up to level 81)

setclass <Code for CombatRogue>

setav Morality 0 (she will commit any crime with you)

setav Aggression 1 (She will be aggressive and attack instead of not)

setav confidence 3 (She will face the enemy)

setav mood 0 (Like the previous 3 this is also a default on other followers)


Also used NPC editor to give her an enhanced face, and default armor.


Here is the issue I am having however. So far it seems like she behaves like any other follower with the exception that if I attack a guard, or commit a crime in Whiterun she leaves my company and attacks me immediately. In other cities however, she helps me (like every other follower)...


I thought that this could very well be with faction allegiances, so I used addfac <faction> -1 to remove her whiterun related factions, and even removefromallfactions to remove every other faction and just add player and follower... but she still behaves this way; for the life of me I can't figure it out.


Anyone has any idea how to work this out? A million thanks for your help/suggestion!




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