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ENB Woes


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Probably the most striking effect of using an ENB in my opinion is to get a nice, rich blue sky. After going through more than a few different ENBs, I eventually settled on RealLike ENB. It had the best looking skies and its colors/shadows were pretty close to Sharpshooter's, too. The installation directions say to use ENB v0.113. Here's a screenshot of it (I added SweetFX, as RealLike doesn't have it by default):




I noticed that some ENB videos had this handy little GUI where you could change settings while in game, and I thought that looked interesting. I found out that you needed to use a newer version of ENB to get this, so I installed ENB v0.168 (the absolute latest version had some shenanigans of requiring another mod to work and I didn't want to have to deal with that). This is what the game looks like now:




So some things changed. First, the AA seems to be better (look at the roof of the house above the lantern). I have SMAA turned on with SweetFX, but I guess this version of the ENB adds it's own? Anyway, that's a plus. It also seems to add this blue hue (with the new GUI I can see that this is EnableImageBasedLighting). It tones down some of the darks, but I actually like it better (you can actually see the finer details of aMidianBorn's Ebony retexture now!).


The problem is that the sky is now a very annoying teal color. Looking out my window now, t's probably closer to a realistic sky color, but I just don't like it as much. I tried disabling SweetFX and ImageBasedLighting but that had nothing to do with it. In the ENB GUI there's a whole portion dedicated to the sky, but I can't seem to figure out how to make it a darker blue.


Can I edit RealLike to have bluer skies with this version of ENB? Is there another ENB I should try instead? I've tried Project ENB (Cinematic, Fantasy), Sharpshooter's, RealVision, BLEAK/UNBLEAK ENB, and E ENB Final Edition, and none of them have that deep blue sky that I'm looking for (and also just didn't look as good otherwise, in my opinion).


I feel like even when I copy someone's mod/ENB list I don't get the same result. Do some people secretly touch up their screenshots to mess with us? :confused:

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