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Legendary Difficulty Question


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Is Legendary Difficulty only available to people who buy the Legendary Edition? Because master difficulty is easy at level 30 with a level 28 follower.

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It's already included with the latest 1.9 patch. The Legendary Edition is like the Game of the Year sort of thing; it's just the base game with all of the DLCs in one package..... I think. So no, it's also available to people who own just the base copy of Skyrim.

Edited by ZeroKing
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You are correct ZeroKing, the legendary edition is just skyrims game of the year edition, like fallout new vegas one was called Ultimate Edition. So there is no difference in Legendary edition and a skyrim copy with all the dlc bought to it :) Legendary difficulty was introduced with the 1.9 patch for all.

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Is there a requirement for legendary difficulty then? I have Steam set to always keep Skyrim up to date, and I'm at the 1.9 patch, but no legendary difficulty option is showing up. This is on a new game, with no mods that affect difficulty or levelling.

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