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Weapons and armors not comming back


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Unfortunately when you uninstalled the mod you deleted the .esp along with it. That controls where the items from a mod are placed in the world - including your inventory.

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Unfortunately when you uninstalled the mod you deleted the .esp along with it. That controls where the items from a mod are placed in the world - including your inventory.

Hurrr. No.

.esp controls where the items are, yes.

However, if OP didn't ruin his save by doing the following:

> install mod

> Get the stuff from mod

> Get bored

> uninstall

> Go in game

> Save game over your only save file. (Note, you didn't have the items anymore, as .esp was disabled and thus items got lost)

> Reinstalled mod

> Loaded save

> grieved because you lost your stuff

You should be fine.


Note, if you had the items in your inventory, you are perma-stuck with less carryweight.

Even worse, if you were wearing them and those had enchantment on them, you are perma-stuck with the enchantments.

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^ The esp controls all records of items added by a mod. Yes the mesh and texture files for the items will still be inside the data directory, but their placement in the game is determined by the .esp file created when the modder was working in the Creation Kit.


If you uninstalled the mod through NMM, then the mod's files are gone. If you do a reinstall you'll get them back, but I don't think they'll be in your inventory anymore.

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