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Execute script when MQ102 stage 1 is completed (player exit vault))

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Hi, I would like to execute a script when the player exited Vault 111 (MQ102 stage 1 completed). What would be the best approach?


Event handler?


I'm a beginner at papyrus scripting and there's not a lot of results on google search for this topic.


Any help would be appreciated.





Here is was I've done so far from bits of info from different script I read:



Event OnInit()
Self.RegisterForRemoteEvent(MQ102 as Quest, "OnStageSet")


Event Quest.OnStageSet(Quest akSender, int auiStageID, int auiItemID)
if (auiStageID >= 10)



Self.UnregisterForRemoteEvent(MQ102 as Quest, "OnStageSet")




Edited by Erixa142
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  On 7/28/2021 at 7:57 PM, DieFeM said:

Looks like a proper approach. Doesn't it work?

Yes but I'm just starting with Papyrus. Tutorials are hard to find. I was not sure it was the right approach.


thanks for your reply. I guess I'm in the right track.

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Top Tip: If attached to a quest best use OnQuestInit() rather than OnInt() as it can fire early before the gameworld/environment/quest is ready. ObjectRefernces do not have that issue.

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