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The Evil Dr game-roleplay


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Hello welcome to the evil laboratory of Dr "place name here" Or secret base of evil and stuff.


We need



Missile inspectors


Evil Dr Sidekick


Circus trapeze artists


IT tech people

Medical and doctors for injuries alike, loyal but not evil..

designated drivers for evil diplomats

Really talented actors for disguising things and location.

Pretend made up location and place is up to you.
Are goal is to secretly take over the world, but we need your help to do it, or take the usa for ransom


Edited by Thor.
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We have a secret lab under the surface of the moon that might suit you.



Henchmen - Our security/henchman force is comprised of genetically engineered cyberninjas and human/animal hybrids.


Missile Inspectors - We have nine missile inspectors. We had ten, but one failed to catch a faulty detonator, so we strapped him to a missile a blew up an asteroid with it.


Secretaries - There are currently seventeen secretaries left of the original twenty (we had to expose three to hard vacuum to eliminate a security leak).


Dr. Sidekicks - We have an army of evil Dr. sidekicks. Most of them are busy creating our security/henchman force (see above), but a few are available for the "sidekick" position. If you're not satisfied with the available individuals, our team of cyber-geneticists can make one for you.


Ninjas - See "Henchmen" entry above.


Circus Trapeze Artists - Our only circus trapeze artist fell victim to an accidental missile explosion (see "missile inspector" entry above). We should have a replacement in about two months.


Janitors - Our robo janitors are top-of-the-line models that keep everything spotless.


IT Techs - Our IT staff...well, let's just say they're really good because they have...incentive.


Medical - Our doctorbots & robonurses are programmed to treat anyone's injuries, regardless of moral alignment.


Designated Drivers - We have pilots that can be assigned to evil diplomats. There's not much call for "designated drivers", because there aren't that many places to go on the moon. Sure, there's that US military base on the far side, but they're very antisocial and tend to...discourage visitors. They leave us alone as long as we leave them alone.


Actors & object/location disguising - Our infiltrators are the best in the business. We can accurately replace almost anyone on Earth, but we need one year advanced notice so our actors can...umm..."know the character" they're going to be "playing". As for disguising things and locations, we are second to none. We took over the entire internet five years ago and disguised our takeover as a severe economic recession.


We also have numerous cells of operatives on every continent. All cells have legitimate fronts. Examples include (but are not limited to):

Law firms

Police departments




Pet stores

Daycare facilities

Public schools

Flower shops

Souvenir shops

Amusement parks

Music bands/artists (Disclaimer: Justin Bieber is not one of ours.)

Trees, a shrubbery, and a field of corn (as I said, we're good with disguises.)

The White House lawn (every blade of grass is actually a disguised agent).



Will that suit your needs?


Edit: had to redact certain trade secrets. Everyone who viewed them prior to redaction has been tracked down and eliminated.

Edited by The_Vyper
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