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Strange Lag


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Could it be that you have an onboard soundcard? I could imagine that all creatures with 4 legs might cause this to you because of the soundfiles they use. Look for a mod called:

Quiet Feet MAX

It reduces footstep sounds for bipedal beings and disables it for 4 legged ones. It might be the cure for your lag

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You don't say how much RAM you have. 1g is not really enough for good performance with a lot of mods. 2 is OK, 3 is much better. Along with a stand alone sound card - even a cheap one will improve your performance.


Also, programs running in the background take ram and processor time. Disable any programs such as xfire, PM, skype, the MS indexer program, some AV programs are constantly checking on every read and write. I disconnect from the internet to play and disable all Anti Virus and anti spyware programs to free up memory.

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Sorry about not including my ram, it just slipped my mine until I went to sleep XD


I will try out the Quite max thing since yes I do have a integrated sound card and not a sound card (expensive as all hell!)


Thanks! if this works I'm going to need to learn how to make mods just to give something back to the site =3

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