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2 Questions!


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Will any of the following mods on my list conflict with opethfeldt6 ENB in anyway?


When I say conflict, I mean as to kill/ruin the effect of the ENB in certain places.




2nd, Is there any mod that allows you to smith things without actually having the materials?

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Looks good. :)

If anything it would be the realistic lighting overhaul that COULD mess with the lighting a of the enb but not sure. Check both mods pages to see if either are mentioned at all then read what they tell you.


Also what is your graphics card and CPU? Just wondering thx :)

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Looks good. :smile:

If anything it would be the realistic lighting overhaul that COULD mess with the lighting a of the enb but not sure. Check both mods pages to see if either are mentioned at all then read what they tell you.


Also what is your graphics card and CPU? Just wondering thx :smile:


^Yup, disabled the overhaul before trying :P


A i2500k overclocked to 4.1ghz and Windforce Gtx 670



May switch over to Sharpshooters ENB, looks very nice.

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Nice, also let me know what FPS you get with those mods would be greatly appreciated.


For your second question, I don't know of any mods that do that sorry.


For alternative ENBs check out

Realvision ENB very nice.

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Fps is kind of weird atm, it dips down to 15 at times at first, but as I play on the dips don't go so slow.


Trying to figure out which is causing the most


I also have aMidianBorn Roads and Bridges, which I installed over the Skyrim HD 2k Textures,

Realistic smoke and Embers, Superior Rock Textures 4k, and Serious HD Retexture 2k


Even without the ENB, these dips occur.


P.S. Thank you for the realvision enb suggestion.

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Get rid of any textures over 2K, you won't notice any difference. RealVision is a good ENB and I use it but, it can hit your FPS. You didn't say how much video memory you had so that is hard to judge.


As to your second question, the only mod I know of that matches what you asked is for building houses in the Hearthfire DLC. You can look under the 'cheats' category and find lots of bat files that will add smithing items to your inventory.

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Superior rock textures 4k,

Get rid of that and download the 2k version if available.

I also recommend WATER mod if you think your PC can handle it. (I'm sure it can)


When your FPS drop is it in any particular area? Like a lake, middle of a forest, town , lots of rocks etc...

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Superior rock textures 4k,

Get rid of that and download the 2k version if available.

I also recommend WATER mod if you think your PC can handle it. (I'm sure it can)


When your FPS drop is it in any particular area? Like a lake, middle of a forest, town , lots of rocks etc...


Turns out I already have the 2k textures, the name of it is just 2k, 4k :P

Fps mainly drops during camera rotation, else it stays at a stable 30-40.'



This looks good, but realvision maybe a bit too much for me.

It annoys me a bit :P


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