davidgwon Posted July 7, 2013 Share Posted July 7, 2013 Hello. I have problem with installing hair packs mods... I'm not sure which mod is incompatibile. Perhaps someone more expirienced in this could tell me? This is my load order. Can someone tell me about incompatibilities in here? I have only basic knowledge about modding Fallout. I don't know what is wrong with my load order.. Mod load order report! Warning: current load order template contains 1457 duplicate entriesFallout3.esmAnchorage.esmThePitt.esmBrokenSteel.esmPointLookout.esmZeta.esmUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esmMart's Mutant Mod.esmSharing and Caring Companions.esmSimpleNeeds.esmUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.espBetterGamePerformance.espMax Level 99 V2.espno blur on hit.espSprint Mod.espAlternateStart.espReduced Dust Particles V02.espPCB.espBrokenSteel2.espBoSPatrols.espSCC - Talk to Anyone.espSCC Armor.espChems and Meds Re-Textures Pack.espClassic Fallout Weapons BETA.espbzFatigues.espMTC Wasteland Travellers.espMTC Wasteland Travellers (Optional)- Crowded Cities less NPCs.espMTC MoreGuardsInBigTown.espWeaponModKits.espWeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.espWeaponModKits - ThePitt.espWeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.espWeaponModKits - PointLookout.espWeaponModKits - Zeta.esp7_HolsterForHandGunsV1_1.espHi-Res Weapons & Ammo Textures - The Pitt.espHi-Res Weapons & Ammo Textures.espOutcast DX.espDIM TYPE3clothesRETAIL.espJillBSAA.espPersona_and_Secret.espCantaburyCommonsGuards.espResponsive Kill Reactions.espMart's Mutant Mod.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.espSondra1408.esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.espMart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.espMart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.espMart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.espMart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp1PipboyPDA.espBrotherhood outpost in PL.esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.Easier_hacking_5_8.espVatsLongerDistance.esplessviewdistance.esplessviewdistanceThePitt.espOAlessviewdistance.espRealistic Death Physics.espDarkerInteriorsFallOut3.espDarkerInteriorsAnchorage.espDarkerInteriorsThePitt.espDarkerInteriorsBrokenSteel.espDarkerInteriorsPointLookout.espDarkerInteriorsZeta.espRWD-PowerArmorFix(BrokenSteel).esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.Mighty Mouse.esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.Trader100%Repair.esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.RealisticBulletsWMKtracers.esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.RBS -Laser and Plasma Projectiles Optional.esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.Gloves.esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.FerrymansHood.esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.C_talon_outpost.esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.Brotherhoodmetrocamp.esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.Error Fixes V1.5 - Higher FPS.espError Fixes V1.5 - Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.espFallout3_PL.esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.RWD.esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.RWD-ThePitt.esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.RWD-PointLookout.esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.RWD-MothershipZeta.esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.RWD-BrokenSteel.esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.RWD-PowerArmorFix.esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.RWD-PowerArmorFix(The Pitt).esp* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.Bashed Patch, 0.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
davidgwon Posted July 7, 2013 Author Share Posted July 7, 2013 If any1 can tell me if these mods are compatibile with each other, i appreciate it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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