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Not wishing to cast negitive remarks on the person who submitted this MOD but to warn those of you who have had troubles with it. I installed it and it worked for awhile the after one dragon battle ( ahard one against two Elder Dragons) I took the goddies and instead of the flaming and the message "Dragon Soul absorbed it said "Dragon Empty" and no Dragon Soul.

So I deleated the MOD and kept the file but did not find the two dragons I had fought before but did find one and the same thing hapened no dragon soul. I deleated the whole mod and all and Restarted the game and thought my troubles were over.....well.. they got worse. The MOD reapeared on its own and I deleated it again with still no dragon souls. I then disabled ALL my mods booted the game and still no dragon souls.

the creator of this little nightmare said "I have no idea why you are not getting any dragon souls except it is not my MOD"....or something to my effect.

Now most respomciable MOD builders would at least atempt to find a work around because without one I would have to reinstall the game from scrach because having steam reinstall it would not have solved my problem, which after an hour on the net did the trick.

If any of you have had problems getting dragon souls using this mod just kill the dragon and if no soul apears enter the following in the console:

player.modav dragonsouls x (with x being a number). Now you could use this cheat even if you are not using this mod if cheating is your way. I just do it like in this case so I can keep a game with 2000+ hours already in the books going. As for the person who wrote this......this...THING I can't express how I feel about it due to being a reasonable person. I hope none of you are forced to use this but it is there if you need it.



Edited by madgamer
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