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CTDs without any warning


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Thanks, the more bandit camps mod adds several new camps and forts to the game map, so I would guess that it would also add more bandits to fill those camps. Would that make any difference in the load order?


EDIT : Should it be loading after ASIS and ASIS dependancy?

Edited by gooeymonster
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SkyTest doesn't play well with a large load order (as the author indicates), so you might consider uninstalling that and see if your worldspace travel stabilizes. You are also using a lot of mods that add more spawns to the worldspace ('Immersive...', ASIS, etc.), so if uninstalling SkyTest doesn't work, you might need to further scale back those type of mods. Interior crashes tend to be less frequent....and if they are not reproducible with no clear patterns at all, they usually point to your rig and the game engine being stressed past their limitations, so the HD textures, ENB, or mods with badly written continuously updating scripts (I don't recognize any of those in your load order, badly written script mods, that is).

Edited by ripple
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