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NPC Travel/Sandbox Packages?


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Ok, so im working on a mod where I want an NPC to travel between two different cells (actually the same cell, but different sections with travel points).

I have a sandbox package and the travel package on it, but no matter how I mix them up I cant get the NPC to sandbox and travel.

Can someone tell me how I can get it to work?

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On your Travel package, set the destination to linked reference. Then, link your NPC to an x marker in the one location, then link that one to another x marker in the second location. They will walk between the two markers or rooms. I beleive you need tick on patrol data on the x markers, but I maybe wrong. Alternatively, you can select near reference and select either of the x markers. Insure one links to the other, then they will walk between them as well.

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Well, it travled to the first section but it refuses to go back to the other cell.

I linked all the markers and the NPC together, do I have to make a schedule for the packages or something?


P.S- It also shows the green and yellow arrows pointing between the the doors when I click the NPC.

Edited by Min1ons
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