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SkyRe Perks Borked


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Heya, Was having a blast with SkyRe and then I deceided to install the skill tombs and JaySus weapons mods. I then used the reproccer and set it to auto and as soon as I loaded my game all the weapons were really low damage (same as armour) and some of my perks were working. Stuff like the stealth was really fast, and my longbow pulls were SUPER fast. So something is borked...


Please please help. I can't have a do over



*EDIT OK it seems I never had the reproccer but was using the Balbor and steelsouls one for some reason. I uninstalled it and then used the regular reproccer. Now it says I need SkyrimMain.esp (why did it dissapear?!) and the game CTDs at the but after flash screen. BEFORE the main menu. Please idears please

Edited by uncleseano
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ok disregard. I sorta fixed it. I can load the game up normally but as soon as I use the reproccer the load game breaks and I gotta uninstall it and reinstall SkyRe...its really annoying.

Anything Im missing for the reproccer? its in the middle of a game, not at the beginning


*EDIT: OK! Sorted, got it working, used a slightly earlier save (like right around a corner and it started working again. New weapons balanced and appearing n shops....SO effin happy.

Later lads, till the next problem

Edited by uncleseano
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