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dwarven armor request (not lore friendly)


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I've been looking around the nexus, and steam work shop and have seen many amazing armor replacers and stand-alones. however I have noticed a lack of love for the dwarven sets. I myself love the dwarven stuff, but haven't exactly been wild about the dwarven armor.


anyway, straight to the point, I would greatly appreciate if someone would combine Killer Keo's skimpy dwarven armor ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3654/? ) with the top of FallenJudge's Tsun armor for female's CBBE ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17298/? ). maybe recolor the metal bits to the dwarven color.


I dont know how easy/difficult this would be, and have no 3d modeling/texture experience myself, else I would tackle it myself. but I think that would look quite amazing if combined together, minus the dwarven shoulder armor of course, and maybe not include the tsun arm things so that you could still wear the dwarven gauntlets.


If someone with the talent and time wishes to do this, I would be eternally grateful

Edited by typodemon00
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