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SkyUI wont install


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Ive reinstalled SKSE from the official website because SkyUI said mine was out of date without giving me my installed version in the log.

SKSE 2.0.19

SkyUI 5.1


This report informs you about potential problems with your SkyUI installation.

Fix these problems , then press 'Refresh' to confirm that they're gone.

After all problems have been resolved, you can continue with the installation.


Problem #1:


Your SKSE version is too old.

Detected version:

Required version: (or newer)


Get the latest SKSE version from 'http://skse.silverlock.org/' and install it.

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What is your question?


You were already given the solution to your problem.


SKSE 2.0.19 is skse64 for Skyrim Special Edition.

I have installed the rewuired version of SKSE and SkyUI 5 will not work no matter what i do. My question is is there a solution to this problem?

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You have an incorrect version of either SKSE or SkyUI, depending on which game you are modding.


If you are on original Skyrim (Legendary Edition) you need SKSE v1.7.3 and SkyUI 5.1

If you are on Skyrim Special Edition you need SKSE v2.0.19 and SkyUI 5.2SE

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