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problem reinstalling skyRedone


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Twio Questions: First about SkyRE reinstalling and if I have to reinstall Skyrim a second question at the bottom.


What is an easy way to produce a list of my installed mods and mod order if that helps? I am a novice modder. I have all the tools, but don't really get how to fully exploit them and I watch the videos. I have the T3s cleaner, but I just use that to test failed Skyrim loads and I have the Wrye Bash, but I just use that to look at the load order. I am using Steam, but I use a script to load start Skyrim so I can run SKSE. This works fine. Issue now is with SKYre. I also use BOSS.


Question 1:


I had some mods that were causing crash to desktop. So I uninstalled everything. I got my mods reinstalled the way I want without crashes, but when I reinstall SkyRE I dont see the new skill trees. I get a popup saying I get a potion to reset my perks. I dont get the new trees with new mobs. I used the reproccer. I also have ASIS and AV installed that need to to be processed too.

I had an odd issue with ASIS. After uninstalling it the ASIS.esm still showed up when I launched the game and I would get errors, so I would have to manually disabled it (did it with steam).

I have tried uninstalling SKyRE, reinstalling. Running the AV and ASIS proccers separately. Reinstalling with only the perk option.

Tried loading saved games and making new characters. Waited a day. nothing. still original skill tree.

do i need to reinstall all of skyrim?


Question 2:


Also I have NMM. I have my downloaded mods on my flash drive. If I reinstall i want to move these mods to my terabyte hard drive. This would free up space to reinstall Skyrim in my flash drive. I can do this by using a Windows 7 soft link, but I was wondering if there is a way to just move them manually have NMM find the mods so I can load them.

Edited by guessingo
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top. to summarize. I uninstalled all my mods using NMM cause I had crash issues. Re-added. Skyre reinstalls. I run the reproccer. I get the popup a 'potion has been added to your inventory to sreset your perks'. Potiion is not there and I am using the old perks. I have all of the Skyre components intalled. This happens with existing saves and with games. I am using BOSS, I re-run the reproccer, and the NMM.


No errors, but skyre does not appear to intsall and no knew perk trees. I have re-run the reproccer repeatedly.

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