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Hanging Load Screen, way to get out of it?


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Hey, I have a lot of mods on my Skyrim (most of STEP, a lot more, ENB, etc)... The game runs perfect apart from the occasional hanging loading screen or sudden FPS death... With the FPS issue I just restart the game... But with the infinite load screens, it like breaks my computer when it happens... When it occurs I ctrl alt del, but that put Skyrim into a window that blocks my desktop and does not go away. Every time it happens I am forced to hard restart my computer and I hate having to do that...


I know I will never figure out which mod is causing the problem because I have over 100 mods installed and I already spent hours manually installing all of them, so I am not redoing it or going through one by one to figure that out... But what I want to know is if there is a way to kill the program when it breaks like this without restarting my PC? Alt F4 does nothing, ctrl alt del, as I mentioned, opens the task manager but I can't navigate it because of the skyrim window blocking my desktop...


Is there something else I can do? Thanks

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When it occurs I ctrl alt del, but that put Skyrim into a window that blocks my desktop and does not go away.


After that happens, alt-tab will usually drop the Skyirm screen to your taskbar, so you have use the manager to shut it off.


Alt tab does nothing, nothing seems to make that window go away as it isn't responsive.

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This just happened to me last night. I'm able to tab to different windows, but my mouse pointer is gone and I can't select "End Task" in the task manager.


What I ended up doing was choosing "Log Off" after hitting ctrl + alt + del, and that closed Skyrim automatically. Then I just signed back in.

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