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SSE ENB Lighting issue with rain (video included)


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Hey there ! I'm currently having a weird bug with my enb during rain, as you will see in the video I shared there is some kind of lighting glitch that follows my character whenever I'm moving, this is really distracting and I hope that you guys will have hints on how to solve it !!


I am using scandinavian weather and scandinavian enb along with true storm and elfx enhancer / ele with compatibility patch (in any case you can find my load order below).



I am 100% sure that the enb is causing the issue since disabling it solve the problem

And before you comment, I already tried removing Majestic Mountain SunDaytime and it didn't solve it (I know it's not recommanded with enb but I've always use it and never got any issue)




https://youtu.be/sDTpkwunpis < == THE BUG



Hoping you guys will be able to help, thanks in advance

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