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Combining 2 pieces of armor to appear together?


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Hey guys I have a Conan player set up and basically I have a phoenix shield from one mod and a flying phoenix that uses the shoulder slot from another, would it be possible to have it so the phoenix appears when I equip the shield as one item?




Its hard to tell from the screenshot but the phoenix has a glow could I add that to the shield too?


I'm pretty new at all this only been playing around a little in CK for a few weeks so as layman as possible please lol. There is a shield on back mod I'd like to use to have the shield just for show as Conan rocks the greatswords 90% of my play.


I've a week off work left lol so if anyone has any helpful insight that would be great

Cheers in advance :biggrin:



Edited by dantegazza
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