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Modify Incoming weapon damage questions

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I'm wondering if this entry point "Modify Incoming weapon damage" reduce the damage from all sources, or as then name imply, only damage from weapons ?

For instance, plasma grenades apply their energy explosion damage with an enchantment (if I'm not mistaken). I'm wondering if this damage coming from enchantment is also reduced by the aforementioned entry point. Or by "Mod incoming explosion damage".

Same question for exposure radiation damage from environment. Can I use "Modify Incoming weapon damage" with some conditions to reduce damage from it ? Or should I use something else like "Reduce incoming spell magnitude" ?



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I have wondered about the same thing. I can't tell you for sure about the "incoming weapon damage". As for the "incoming explosion damage", I'm fairly certain that it modifies only the explosion damage, not the damage from magic effects.

Radiation exposure from environment is usually done through spell with magic effect. Try with "mod incoming spell magnitude". However this goes for all incoming spells. In the Perk Entry window, use a condition for the "Spell", not for the "Perk Owner". Here are the setting for this condition

Run on: "Subject"

Condition Function: "EPMagic_SpellHasKeyword"

Keyword: "DamageTypeRadiation"

Comparison: ==

Value: 1.00

This is why it's a good idea to use keywords in magic effects.

When you choose "mod incoming spell magnitude" for Entry Point, you can use Function: "Multiply Value" to easily reduce magnitude by some %. For example if you want to reduce rad damage by 15%, then you set:

Value = Value * 0.85

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After some tests, it seems "incoming weapon damage" indeed reduce the damage of explosions (ie, from grenades) IF you don't try to apply conditions to it.

I tried to set a condition in "attacker weapon" ID baseball grenade, so I would get 0 damage from baseball grenades, and I was still hit. If I delete the condition, I don't take damage from the explosion. I think explosions are perceived as weapon damage, but the explosions aren't linked to the weapon which fired them. So, when you "tell" the CK you want a condition applied to a grenade, it doesn't associate the explosion to the grenade, it views the grenade and the explosion as 2 different weapons.

So it seems I can't mod the damage received for a specific explosive weapon, or at least I don't know how... Trying to set the explosion as the weapon in "attacker weapon" doesn't work either.

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  On 8/1/2021 at 6:41 PM, Arael54 said:

After some tests, it seems "incoming weapon damage" indeed reduce the damage of explosions (ie, from grenades) IF you don't try to apply conditions to it.

I tried to set a condition in "attacker weapon" ID baseball grenade, so I would get 0 damage from baseball grenades, and I was still hit. If I delete the condition, I don't take damage from the explosion. I think explosions are perceived as weapon damage, but the explosions aren't linked to the weapon which fired them. So, when you "tell" the CK you want a condition applied to a grenade, it doesn't associate the explosion to the grenade, it views the grenade and the explosion as 2 different weapons.

So it seems I can't mod the damage received for a specific explosive weapon, or at least I don't know how... Trying to set the explosion as the weapon in "attacker weapon" doesn't work either.


Did you try to add the condition HasKeyword: WeaponTypeExplosive == 1 to the Attacker Weapon? Or the keyword WeaponTypePulseGrenade?


Or you can try the Perk Entry type "Mod Incoming Explosion Damage".

Edited by LarannKiar
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Well, explosions are associated rather to the projectiles, so I'm not sure it will work. But you should still try what LarannKiar suggested. Don't use the Base ID of weapons as a condition. It won't work, because when they spawn in the game, different Reference IDs are generated for them.

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