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SkyProc debug breaks Female Vampire Eye Fix every time


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So I have that glitch where your vampire eyes just look like normal eyes. But the FemVampEyeFix works! Yay! Glowing orange eyes.


But Dual Sheath Redux requires me to run a SkyProc Patch for it, and after I do that, no more glowing eyes for me. Boo. So I remove and re-add the vampire eye fix. Eyes are back, but now Dual Sheath is broken.


Is there any way I can have this cake and eat it too?

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FIXED: For future reference, you need to edit the master list for BOSS. Go into it and find where it mentions FemaleVampireEyeFix.esp (Use ctrl+F) and remove all of the conditionals. This will stop BOSS from flagging the mod for automatic ignore through the load order.

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