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Simple Simple Animal mod.


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Ok, It's just Ridiculous.

I'm now playing a Hunter character, and something is really bothering me, and it's a huge immersion breaker.

I was walking from whiterun to markarth by foot, and I only saw ONE, I repeat; ONE Elk.

Seriously?! WTF Bethesda!

I've tried SkyTEST \ Immersive creatures, didnt help.


All im asking is a mod that adds a lot more spawn points for Deers, Elks, Wolves, Bears, and all the other animals.

This really simple (I think at least...)

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You're correct, it would be very, very easy.

It would also be relatively time consuming, and I don't have the time at the moment as I already have 2 mods in progress. However, there's a good chance someone else will pick this up based on how simple it would be.

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You're correct, it would be very, very easy.

It would also be relatively time consuming, and I don't have the time at the moment as I already have 2 mods in progress. However, there's a good chance someone else will pick this up based on how simple it would be.

Thank you anyway

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