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Combining textures (dds)


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Hello all!


I'm having a question here concerning textures and how to combine them. So for example I have a texture "femalehead.dds" and "femaleheaddetails_frekles.dds". Is there a way to combine them physically (in file) rather than with the game engine? This would create the effect that all females of the given race have freckles. Which is essentially what I want.


Any advice?

Edited by Xantesh
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Yea, you could do that, if you have the original files with layers... (would be easiest) in psd format. If not, you can open .dds files using applications like GIMP(free) or Photoshop($$$) if you download the .dds plugin ... you could layer them, set the stuff as you like (contrasts and whatever you think needs a tweak) then merge them.


Using GIMP it should be as simple as Open both without mipmaps, copy the texture layer from freckles onto the texture layer of the face, line up properly, perhaps you need to match colors... then merge and Save the file, generating mipmaps.


Not sure tho, never messed around with face textures. There could be things about it I don't know... so keep a backup of everything you are gonna change (but I guess you will do that anyway)


More info on CK Wiki... http://www.creationkit.com/Retexture_Tutorial

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yep, that's something I dunno, I generally work with layers if I have a psd... I would guess you'll have the remove the grey background then overlay it and make sure you set the blending options (so called in Photoshop, not sure about GIMP) to give the desired result and merge them. But then again, like I said - I dunno about face textures too much, never played with them, and only textures I did play with I asked for the psd's


Why not just send a message to the author of those freckles, he probably has the psd file or something that can be much easier put on your face... since you'll just use it for private use and not for any publicly shared work I'd say there's a good chance he'll be willing to share it... If I'm not mistaking those textures are made by this guy: @hellosanta ... if he's also the author of your face textures, perhaps he'll be even kind enough to merge them correctly for you, if possible at all

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