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Forced AA on ENB causes line on corner...


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Was wondering anyone can help what causing this as I only recently got this problem but don't know what went wrong.


I have been changing ENB to another ENB only to find their are lines on the the top and the left side when playing, this doesn't happen when i disable it but when force off on CCC it doesnt appear :confused:


Would really like having SSAA and ENB but the lines making me >:(


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Ive read some about this a while ago on ENB forums, and didn't come across a solution to it :S anyway when you force set AA, youll lose a lot of goodness of ENB... SSAO for example is disabled as a result. Of course you can force that through drivers as well... but it is all against ENB's recommendation... so it's not build to support what youre doing...

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Would thought the ssaa and enb make difference like crispy though not gonna happen with that annoying red thin line :( though on other hand I just went for high end K ENB which is perfect as well thanks

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