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MW edit


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As a geeral editor for objects and gamesettings it's great but it has one major drawback:


-no ladscape editing/3d viewing


-doesn't delete references to objects, so if you've used an object some where and delete, bad things


-beta version


I haven't tried dialogue with it yet, but I think that the TESCS dialogue editor is pretty good.


It also has a few really good points though:


-manually remove deleted references


-VERY good script editing system


-load and edit multiple plugins at once


It's a good compliment to the TESCS, but it doesn't stand alone


I like to use it for looking up nif models that other plugins use and then selecting those nifs in the TESCS for my plugins


I prefer the Enchanted editor:



-no ladscape editing/3d viewing


-slow, morrowind.esm will take forever to load


-loading, you know how in morrowind you get loading screens all the time? well you get'em here too. There's a good reason, but it's still annoying.



-manually remove deleted references


-VERY good script editing system, best I've seen with a stable editor


-stable, this program is hard to crash


-easily convert between esm, esp, and ess formats


-deletes all references to a deleted object


-has safe editing mode


-clean mod-broken games


-gives you acess to EVERYTHING and a pretty easy to understand


I use this to start my plugins and to finish them off, but I still have to use the TESCS for most work.

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