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Textures doesnt work


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First of all, sorry for my bad inglish... :S


i have install about 5 or 6 mod of textures, but i dont see any diference.... i dont know what im doing wrong

im install SKYRIM LEGENDARY EDITION, install the SKSE, with the nexus mod manager im installed the mods, put nothing in the game change

im using this mods:




Skyrim Ultra HD Texture Pack - Skyrim Ultra HD Texture Pack Models and textures 07-07-2013 22:11:08 1.4 1.4 Mystery Modder and Skunky123


Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles - Faces - GeonoxFaces Models and textures 07-07-2013 22:12:31 1.2 2.3.2 Chris57 and FavoredSoul


SG Female Textures Renewal - SG Textures Renewal UNP Models and textures 07-07-2013 22:12:44 1.5 1.5 Hello Santa


Improved rock and mountain textures - 4096x and 2048x - 4096x4096 version Models and textures 1.0 1.0 747823


Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Skyrim Flora Overhaul v179e Models and textures 08-07-2013 21:48:29 v1.79e v1.81b vurt


TreesHD_Skyrim_Variation -Lush Trees and Grass Environmental 1.7 1.7 SparrowPrince


TreesHD_Skyrim_variation_HIGH_NEW Environmental 1.6 1.6 namotep


W.A.T.E.R. - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux Environmental 1.7 1.71 SparrowPrince


UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul Companions - Other 1.2i 1.2i fLokii


The Dance of Death - A Killmove Mod - The Dance of Death 4-0 - Ultimate Edition Animation 4.0 4.0 DaedalusAI aMidianBorn


Book of Silence - Armors Models and textures 07-07-2013 22:12:08 1.8.5 1.8.5 CaBaL



installed in that order...

and my plugins are this.





Please if someone know how fix this... :C



Edited by armoret
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