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Creation Kit Object Box Sizing

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Hello everyone!


I have a question regarding a very specific issue I am having. I recently took the Telvanni mushroom house meshes and resized them to 1/10 in Nifskope without issue (collisions and all) to be used as regular mushrooms in a mod I'm making. The mesh appears and works as it should in game. My issue however is that in the CS, the box around the new objects using these meshes have remained the same size as the original Telvanni mushroom houses, making placing them a bit annoying with a giant box around a tiny object. Is there anyway to resize that box somehow or is it something I'll just need to deal with?


I've attached a picture for better understanding.




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I solved this issue. As it turns out, when scaling the vertices on one of the NiTriShapes, it did a general scale on the rest for some reason, so while it technically worked, the vertices were not altered which caused the box to remain the same large size.

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