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Stardew Valley

Huge amount of errors trying to get Sdve on Android


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The following are the errors I have got trying to get Sdve on Android, been fighting with this for a while and getting frustrated. "Shipped mods


These mods could not be added to your game




SMAPI Custom NPC Fixes 123 because it needs SMAPI 3.9.5 or later. Please update SMAPI to


Latest version to use this mod.


SMAPI CustomMusic 1.8 1 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at




MAPII -Form Typs Manager 1.14.0 because its DLL couldn't be loaded.


SMAPI - PYTK 1.220 because its DLL couldn't be loaded


SMAPI Stardew Valley Exponded - PyTK 1.13.9 because it needs the PyTH' mod, which couldn't






-TMXL Mop Toolkit 122.1 because it needs the PUTK mod, which couldn't be loaded


MAPIL Custom NFC Exclusions 130 because its DLL couldn't be loaded


MAPI Custom NPC Fixes 123 because it needs SMAPI 39.5 or later Please update SMAPI to


latest version to use this mod.


SMAPI - CustomMusic 1.8 1 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at




ISMAPI Exponded Preconditions Utility 10.1 because it needs SMAPI 3.6.0 or later. Please update SMAPI to the latest version to use this mod


ISMAPIL -Form Tupe Manager 1.11.0 because its DLL couldn't be loaded."

Sorry for all the typos, had to use Google lens to copy all the text from a screenshot

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So while I fixed a few, some of them I needed to change stuff in the config folders, and when trying to edit them I get this error; Permission Denial: writing filemanger.man ageriostudio.manager.utils.ShareProvider uri content://files.fileexplorer filemanager provider/name/storage/emulated/0 /Stardew Valley/Mods/ChestsAnywhere /config.json from pid-2545, uid-10143 requires the provider be exported, or granturiPermission()
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