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Unable to view mod in game

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I am unable to boot up my mod in game. I try to view it in game but whenever I load SSE it doesnt show up. I have watched mod tutorial videos and they load their mods in by activating it through Data Files but SSE doesn't have that option. Is there a way I can view it in SSE and if so how? At this point I cannot work further if I haven't tested my mod in game yet.

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What do you mean they load their mods through Data files? If you're using a Mod Manager it should be fine. Because either you download the mods through a mod manger and let it do it's thing or just manual install it.

Edited by jinsitsu
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Oh okay so you're using CK and you can't test your mod in game? Hmm can't help you there but hopefully someone will. Good luck!

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One fairly easy way I've found using MO2, is to create an archive of your mod assets, install that on MO2, which creates the appropriate directories for you in your MO2 profile. I then keep the data folder open and the folder for the install of my mod, and as I change stuff in Creation Kit and save it, I copy paste the new version over to the folder for my mod's MO2 install. Note: I create folders for backup purposes along the way and periodically dump in my assets into a corresponding backup folder, so if necessary I can quickly revert back by overwriting files if necessary.


Doing it that way, allows you to test your work on multiple profiles in MO2, for instance

1 profile - just having skyrim and the dlc and your mod

another profile - skyrim, dlc, your mod, and other utility mods like skse, papyrusutil, etc.

another profile - skyrim, dlc, your mod, utility mods, and other mods in your load order that are related to your mod.

another profile - your entire load order + your mod.


That way you can check to make sure your mod is working in correlation to your Load Order.

Also use xEdit to make sure you don't make Wild Edits in your mod, its always a great idea to clean your work as necessary.

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