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[Mod-Request] Finished Creature - Warg


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IT'S A WARG! (inspired by the death dogs from the movie Willow)

And here is a video showing how it could totally fit into the game:

The behavior would be a cowardly/cautious pack hunter. Harmless if there is one but deadly if a large pack. When you move towards them they back off. When you move away from them with your back turned they attack! A pack will circle and any sudden movements will make them attack from behind.

The attack is a pouncing attack that clings to the player and does a little damage over time as long as it's latched on. For every Warg attached to the player, Movement is reduced by 25% and a damage multiplier is applied making packs far more dangerous. To get them off the player must preform a dodge They are more dangerous then gray dwarves but if the player is brave one or two won't be much of a problem. They dont target structures either.

Strategy for fighting them is AOE because they are fast and hard to catch with a sword or club (more use for AOEs). Fire makes them more timid but if any are clinging on they will have more bravery.

Local: They can spawn in small packs in the meadows and Black forest at night and run away and despawn in the day Scared in the daylight. If there is a den nearby they will spawn more frequently and in larger packs at night. There could be a variant that fulings use for hunting. Players can't tame them. Wolves will always attack Wargs and chase them away.

Finaly if anyone wants to play with the blend.file let me know and I will send it to you (its fun)

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