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Modifying the Sun doesn't work :s


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Yo Yo Yo


Well I want to customize my sun the way I want, not that way which it is implemented with ENBs.


Now I got the problem: changing the sunglare.dds (or whatever data type it is) does not work anymore!

I formerly tested with a lot of suns, I just changed the data -> textures -> sky -> Sunglare.dds file and I've chosen the coolest Sun, which I had found so far. Now it does not work anymore, every sunglare-file just ends up in-game with a simple round disk, looking very crap.

I guess my former Sun (and most favourite) was the sun of Goddes ENB, but I dont really remember ... here are Screenshots of before/after (only very tiny, because of 250 kb max. size







Any ideas why I cannot change the sun anymore ? All I did before was changing that sunglare.dds

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The sun corona (sunglare) and the white sun itself are two different textures. Some ENBs adjust the intensity of the sunglare to 0, leaving only the white ball of the sun texture, and meaning that any sunglare texture will be invisible. There's an option to adjust sunglare intensity in the enbseries.ini.

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Yeah well ... I had one Sun once. Then I copied over just one from an ENB mod and was not so satisfied, then I took just another one and used the same old ENB with a new sunglare.dds, which didnt cause any problems at all so far (why should it).

I did alot of different tests, which sun I prefered the most and I kept a backup from the sun I liked the best. I just needed to put that .dds file again into data->textures->sky and then I had my most endorsed Sun.



Now I installed windows on another HDD on my PC and I will remove the old Windows soon, because of course now I only use the windows on the faster HDD. I completely copied Skyrim and now the sun is f'ed up. : \ no reason ... same files like in the former directory, 1,33 MB for my sun and even if I copy over the 'Sky' folder again, my sun doesn't change. I'm sure its nothing about other files I need to change, as it wasnt needed before and I had alot of changes for that file, with no problem so far - thats why i am so confused

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