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Question about ENB projects (dark fantasy VS high fantasy)


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Is there a general consensus on which ENB project is best for those of us who want the world to look dark, gritty, and realistic, as opposed to having a bright fantasy look? In example, I vastly prefer the look of games such as the Witcher, Gothic, and Stalker.


If there's no such consensus, do you know if there's any ENB projects that I should definitely rule out, given my preferences?


P.S. I realize that the texture mods play a very large role as well, but I want to keep this about the ENBs.



Thanks for your time.

Edited by eriknm
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I don't think there's a global agreement on which ENB is the most gritty, but Skyrealism - ENB Evolved is highly regarded among people who want to make Skyrim look more realistic.


Or there's RCRN, which isn't an ENB, but it makes the lighting more realistic and darker/more contrasted in dungeons for a lower performance drop. If you go into the advanced tweaking section of RCRN, you can also adjust the sharpen filter to give the graphics a 'harder' appearance, but obviously there's nothing you can do to completely bring the Witcher 2 lighting style into Skyrim.

Edited by Rennn
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