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Latest Mod Manger Update


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The new update is making the nexus mod manager install some mods inside a data folder within the real data folder causing some texture packs not to work and esp's not appearing in the load order. I know it is because of the latest update becuase i was doing a clean install of skyrim and updated the nexus before i started installing my mods again. Please fix this. I see that some forum post are talking about issues that i know are related to this.

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yes. after the update some mods where not apearing in my load oder. some mods like enchanced blood, amazing follower tweaks, and immerisive armors. Ive done reinstalls of skyrim before and the mods and try to do it well. i even redownloaded AFT and installed it and still was being installed in a data folder within the data folder. So i check the archive of the mod where it is kept in the nexus folder and the directery starts with data. I noticed that pattern with other mods being installed in the wrong place. this has never happened before.

Edited by MrCantera
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