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Assorted Armor and Clothing Texture Issues


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As the title implies I am having texture issues with different armor and clothing mods I am using. Here are the Problems.


I have downloaded the All Female Guards Mod which works, but like most guys I wanted them to be wearing skimpy armor so I downloaded the skimpy file as well. The problem I am having is that the guards are all female and wearing skimpy clothing, but they are missing their heads. It's a minor issue but still somewhat annoying. Link for info about mods in question is http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14039/?


Also I think I am having what is probably the Seams At Hips problem and read something about the CBBE Body Texture and if that is referring to the CBBE Mod then I have that. Before I post more problems I will list what I think is the problem. When I have downloaded certain armor mods my computer will give me a prompt that basically tells me that this item has already been installed by another mod and asks if I would like to override it with these files. And then the options would be yes, yes to folder, yes to all, and then give me the same options for no. As far as I can remember when asked to overwrite files I always clicked no to all.


Now for some more problems, when I use the Lingerie Set CBBE 3_2 by Nausicaa, my characters ass seems to not fit inside the panties even when using the CBBE V3M Fleshings which I am sure are required because if i do not equip them my characters breasts do not fit inside the bra.


So summary of problems: Missing heads for female guards, Ass extending past CBBE 3_2 Lingerie Set even while wearing CBBE V3M Fleshings. Seams? at hips while wearing at least these armors, List is incomplete: Whiterun Guard Armor, probably the rest of the guard armors, Being completely naked and wearing CBBE V3M fleshings, those are all that I know of.


Now a summary of related Armor Mods and I can give links as well if Needed/Wanted.


All Mods should be up to date as I just recently got Skyrim for pc like two days ago.


First the body textures: Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE-, CHSBHC -BBP- Nude and Jiggly Mod - CHSBHC-Body-Physics-ModV2-4-1


Now for the armor mods: Remodeled Armor CBBE v3M - Remodeled Armor 3_4, Triss Armor Retextured, Calientes Vanilla Outfits for CBBE - Calientes Vanilla Armor -- Combined Pack v2-1-0, Calientes Vanilla Outfits for CBBE - Calientes Vanilla Armor -- Soldier Pack, Lust Design - Sovngarde Steel Armor v2 - CBBEv3_M, Ancient Nord Armor and Saviors Hide CBBEv3 Echo, Alyn Shir Armor - CBBEv3, Lingerie Set -CBBE 3_2 by Nausicaa, All Female Guards and the optional skimpy guards uniforms.


Mods that are probably in conflict: The optional Skimpy Guard Uniforms is probably in conflict with Calientes Vanilla Armor -- Soldier Pack, among others.


Lastly I have the Magicka Sabers Mod and if I remember right it requires the ebony smithing perk, now I used the console to add the perk and checked all the smithing areas including the ebony catergory and did not see it there so does it require earning the perk fair and square? I am also having my game crash when I try to switch my characters sex to female during character creation, I will keep trying but it will probably keep crashing. The Temptress race does not crash just gives some lag. I remember when I made my first character I did not have the CBBE Mod which I think is making my game crash. I activated this mod later on when i was trying different armor mods and then got the crashing during character creation. I guess it's also possibly why I am getting Seams? at hips for some of my armor mods, seeing as how it was not activated from the beginning and if you have a save that had a mod and the mod isn't there anymore it tells you something about relying on content that is no longer available.


If my load order would help I could post that, And if you read to the end thank you.

Edited by GRAW2BEAST
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