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SKyrim Dragonborn BUG


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Hi guys i play Skyrim Dragonborn DLC and i'm i think at the final mission at summit apocrypha or something like that Chapter VI (6) that's where you kill some cratures and learn a new spell when i learn and the dragon doesn't show up i've waited along time for this any suggestions ? ive been searching for a salution for hours please help :(.

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This isn't a "fix" but I believe you can actually type tcl in the console, and then run through the air to the platform where you fight Miraak. Once you reach him, type tcl again to turn off the air walking and reenable collision. The quest should update once you reach Miraak, and then progress normally.


It's kind of a last resort since you have to use the console, but it's a way to progress if necessary.

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