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Trouble with NAV meshing etc...


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Hello folks,


I've got trouble in adding new cells to my mod.


I tried:

- Copied a CELL and edited it.

- Added doors and teleport locations

- NAVmeshed the doors (Finalized NAVmeshing to get green markers)


Now the problem is:

- The game quits after I loaded this cell (COC <cellname>)


Sometimes the game doesnt quit and I can walk around the cell and also followers come in and follow me.


What am I doing wrong?


All I did is:

Copying a CELL (a cellar for example),

Adding a trap door somewhere,

Adding a ladder door into this cellar and removed it's original door

Going into both CELLs in NAVmeshing

Clicked "Finalize" for both

Saved my mod


Who can help me here?


I also can attach my "mod" to a zipfile and give it away for testings...




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Was it a vanilla cell you copied? Which cell was it?


Do this -


- load up your esp in CK

- turn on markers view by pressing M

- delete every marker you see. This includes idle markers, x markers, whatever

- right click on your cell in the Cell View window, go to 'Edit'

- clear the 'Location' by setting it to 'None'

- clear the Encounter Zone if any

- delete the navmesh

- save and quit CK


-Start up CK again with the esp checked but //not// set as active file

-Duplicate the cell you duplicated

-save, quit, reload with the new esp

- work on the new esp


The point here is, did you 'clean up' the duplicated cell before working on it. Lingering 'invisible' references such as markers tied to vanilla NPCs can crash you when you get into the cell...or other stuff we won't get into details about.


It's best to re-duplicate to a new esp in order to avoid the original vanilla cell as being 'edited' (dirty edits). Or just remove the reference to the vanilla cell in TES5Edit.


If that doesn't work, you'll probably need another pair of eyes to look at what's going on inside your mod.

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I already removed all markers.


I copied a cellar... Don't remember, which. I mean, it was a prison cell.



- All markers

- most furniture

- Door teleport (was removed automatically)

- Some beds

- Some dirt objects (Cleaned the room up)

- Many chests / barrels / etc...



- Ownership of some items to PlayerFaction

- Replaced some prison walls to farm walls (wrote down the old parts 3d infos, and filled the values into new objects)

- Replaced a prison door to a farm door.

- Removed the original entrance door and put a ladder door



- A double bed

- A table

- 2 chairs

- A chest (Quest used)

- A workbench (arcane enchanter)

- Teleport from ladder door to WhiteRunArcadiasCauldron cell (and vice versa)

- Small trapdoor into ArcadiasCauldron (behind the locked door) with teleport to the cellar


Both: (Cellar and ArcadiasCauldron)

- finalized navmeshing



- Checked the original navmesh infos and removed / replaced some triangles to fit around the furniture


Oh... I use the location for ArcadiasCauldron because it'll be a cellar for this house...

Should I change this to "NONE" instead?


When I save this mod now, sometimes it starts ok.

But sometimes (even when I only change the location of a chair for example) it crashes immediately...


Can't attach the mod here (368k rar), but perhaps you can send me your mail address or skype account name?



Edited by Frustzwerg
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