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Dragonborn help needed


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I am at Apocrypha for the first time, at Chapter 2. I can't seem to kill the two Seekers and the Lurker (actually have not managed to kill even one of these before dying).


I'm level 30, and most of my experience is in Sneak, Archery, One-Handed, Light Armour and Alchemy. Whenever I go into a dungeon I almost always find some way of killing every enemy by sneak-shooting, running away before they see me, sneak-shooting again, etc. I am crap at close combat (that is, personally. My character has good light armour and one-handed skill!).


There seems to be nowhere to hide in this room. I can sneak-shoot one guy with my best poison (Lotus extract - next best is a home-brewed 35 hp poison), but it makes hardly a dent on his health and then everybody comes wailing down on me right away. I try running around healing, whacking somebody a few times and running around healing again but I make hardly any dent on these guys before they kill me (I have to eventually run out of Magicka). I also only have a handful of restore/fortify/regenerate healths left. If I just had somewhere to hide I could Sneak-Shoot-Sneak-Shoot as many times as I needed to :-(


Oh and another problem is I stupidly sold my fine elven sword because I found an ebony sword and it looked better. Except it is a two-handed sword. D'oh!


Does anyone have any advice? Is it possible to open the door without killing the baddies? Is there a way to do the sneak-shoot routine in this room I haven't figured out? Thanks!!!!!!!

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I was able to clear every book of Apocrypha (adept difficulty, level in the low 20s) by sneaking with my bow and stealth-shooting everyone. (though once in a while I had to pull out my war axe and fight)


Seekers look like they appear out of nowhere, but really they're invisible. You can see the air shimmer at a distance where they are.



I remember there was one room with absolutely nowhere to hide (idk if it's the one you're talking about) and the book to the next chapter was in the same room so I was able to sprint and get that.

A couple times I had to hide on one of those moving hallways and get a couple arrow shots each time it rotated to give me a firing angle.


And if you *are* forced into a fight, the best way to kill Seekers is to strafe left and right erratically. Most of their attacks deal poison damage (which is so weak you don't need to worry about it). You just need to avoid the larger magic attacks, and that's not too hard as long as you only deal with 1 or 2 Seekers at a time.


With Lurkers, you want some strong poisons if you have to melee one of them. They have high enough poison resist that it won't deal much damage, but it will stop their health from regenerating as long as the poison is actually strong enough to deal any damage. Also, stay behind Lurkers. They're heavy, and you can use their heavier attacks as an opportunity to circle behind them and hit them from there. You have to be quick, keep strafing, and know when to break off the attack if you don't want to get hit though.

Also, I found that it works to use the lowest level fire magic (Flames). If you just tap that towards Lurkers, the tiny amount of fire damage will stop their health regen for a few seconds without draining your magicka too much.


All from experience. :wink:

It's terrible to get through Apocrypha when you're a low-level stealth character.

Edited by Rennn
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