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Yadukox The Dragon Of The Sea


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This Is One Of The Mods I Have Been Working On Recently Called 'The Scalebone' Or As I Have Put It 'Yadukox The Dragon Of The Sea'

There Are Two Parts Of This Mod

Warning There Will Be Spoilers In The Stages Especially In Part 2



















Part 1


Stage One: At Level 5 you will be approached by a (female) courier who will give you a note that reads:

Dear [Yourname]
I believe we have not yet met, well I guess I should introduce myself, I am Sirykm, and I have reason to believe that you are the hero from my dreams.
I know, it sounds crazy, but I am being honest, I know that I am a total stranger and all, but I need your help.
As I believe that an evil cult is planning on resurrecting the Lost Scalebone of Yokuda, which is believed to be the source of Yokuda sinking into the sea.
This cult is formed up of exiled members of the Ansei, they call them selves the Piesn.
I have left four other notes for you to find in skyrim, here are some clues to their where abouts:
The first note is located, at the feet of the great of the great sky beast in Whiterun.
The second note is located, south of the grey mountains throat.
The third note is located, at the central hold of skyrim.
The final note is located, at the guarded stones.

I hope this is enough for you to go on, good luck.
Stage Two: Once you pick up your first note two cultists will try to murder you so kill them
Stage Three: Once you collect your final note six cultists will try to murder you so you kill them
Stage Four: Once you have read every note the next day the (female) courier will approach you again and will hand you another note that says:

Dear [Yourname]
It has come to my attention that you have collected each note.
So now I will need you to locate the Piesn hideout and retrieve the Scalebone of Yokuda from them, each of the four notes should now tell you where their hideout is and and how to get in.
Once you have retrieved the Scalebone I will need you to destroy it.
However to destroy it you will need the Yokuda Elder Scroll that should be somewhere in the Mages College Arcanaeum.
Once you get both Scalebone and Elder Scroll you must simply read from the scroll at midnight and all shall be done.

Stage Five: Once you have collected both the Yokuda Scalebone and the Yokouda Elder Scroll you must then read from the scroll




















Part 2

Once you have read from the elder scroll, at the top right hand side of the screen it will say; Scalebone Removed From Inventory
At that moment the Scalebone will be on the ground glowing (like the dragon Sahloknir when he was resurrected by Alduin)
Once this happens the Scalebone will start to form into a dragon.
At this moment you will realize that you have been tricked and that you have just ressurected the great dragon of Yokuda that was sad to have been slain by the Ansei all those years ago and they were simply guarding it from anyone who tried to resurrect Yadukox the dragon of the sea.

Step Six: Once all this happens you will have to kill Yadukox the dragon of the sea
Step Seven: Once you kill Yadukox you will be attacked by the redguard Sirykm kill him
Step Eight: Once you kill Sirykm you will notice the Yadukox turn to dust
Step Nine: You will then be approached by a redguard who will thank you with 3000 gold





















The End

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