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Anarcho-Syndicalist commune


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You would think that with a theme like fallout somebody would have created some kind of Anarchist themed camp. Anarcho-Syndicalism is not entirely synonymous with the dictionary definition of "Anarchy". The root words of the word Anarchy means "without rulers", and syndicalism fits that definition due to a lack of hierarchy, but it is actually a highly democratic system where power is decentralized into local autonomous collectives organized into a federation of autonomous unions and communes......kind of like Monty Python. They were not far off.


I really think that in a world like fallout, where there is a huge cyberpunk following there should eventually be some kind of Anarchist themed camp or town. What might be cool would be to name the residents after historic Anarchists like Proudhon, Malatesta, Emma Goldman, Rudolph Rocker, Tolstoy, Voltairine, ect. If anyone wanted to steal this idea, I would be happy to provide character reference.


Just having a location with some references would be cool, but if someone was good enough to get into scripting I think that there are some interesting possibilities for some multi-branching quests where this group of Anarchists actually attempts to reach some kind of consensus to deal with some kind of conflict and arrive at some resolution. Perhaps you will have a few opportunities to make a proposal and your relationship with the individual members (plus dialogue) will determine whether they will vote with you or not. Also, you will get a few opportunities to vote on some pivotal decisions for the communities questline.


So the commune could have some basic survival problems, like trying to fix their water purifier and maintaining their hydroponic food production. The community will be operating on a gift economy, but after deciding that they cant survive that way will only share with other members of their collective, which requires a small quest to join. After you get in, you will have access to free food and water that will respawn weekly. The community should have 1 or 2 people who are not entirely cooperative, perhaps 1 who may end up fighting with you depending on how the dialogue goes. These people will probably look like some of the armed gangs and raiders, but they are not openly hostile to you.


I am thinking that the commune will build up to some conflict with the Enclave and you will have to help them fight off an attack and lead an assault against an enclave base (if you keep important characters alive).



Anyway, just throwing some ideas out there.

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