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Changing Default Races Impossible?


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I am currently working on finishing a mod that replaces the Khajiit race with a Half-Elf race. I have successfully completed most of the mod, and everything works fine as far as the character creation goes, but to my suprise the first Khajiit in game I see is a HORRIBLE DISFIGURED ABOMINATION !


Here is the details:

I changed the races appearance by replacing the default meshes for the body and head, as well as for hair, eyes and so on. All vanilla mesh replacements. And as i said before it works fine in character creation. I figured this would be the simplest most complete way to do this. But when I saw a khajiit in game, it was still using the vanilla skyrim mesh for khajiit head, as well as hair and mouth and eyes. The only thing it seems to be using is my new textures...how is this possible? where does the game pull its NPC meshes from if not from the same place it pulls PC meshes from?


Please help, this is going to be a really cool mod. It would be a shame if it was unable to see the light of day because of this issue.


P.S The NPC heads did not move correctly when they spoke. Their face just contorts in odd ways.

Edited by DarthIre
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