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Dimension shaper, writer, looking for work.


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Greetings to the modders of skyrim.


I am looking for a project for my pent up passion, writing.

I have been playing RPG's for quite a few AGES. My first true addiction was Neverwinter Nights and I've played most of the BioWare games. I am gifted at character building and withcoming psychology. Got a good grasp on the bigger picture yet also very focused on minor details.


I have no true experience in writing, yet recently I have started to dig deep into it. So, it will be quite flawed, but feel the flow and the humoristic yet idealistic touch I gift my work with.


I would like to get involved in something big and I will proof myself by trail and error.


I have attached a story I wrote in 15 minutes, I am dutch so my language might be flawed at certain points, yet I'm working on it ; ). Here is the dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vwmr64el76f2kw4/cIvUFBVqwE


Feel free to contact me, but please have some experience when it comes to modding.

Edited by Disturbolus
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