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A real companion mod(Need voice actors and more..)


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Hello there, I'm creating this tread because I've tired of all these "imma gonna heal you while i'm hiding behind this rock because i'm a cutie girl with perfect looks. i also wear a skimpy outfit, teehee!" companion mods. So, I therefore intend to create a companion with a backstory, personality, new voiced dialogue, quests(later), etc. A companion that feels unique, to summarize.


Problem is, I can't do this by myself. I'm simply not good enough do all the advanced stuff I want from this mod. I can make the basics to get the mod releasable, but after that I want to make it go further. However , I cannot do that without some help. I also need a voice actor, since I'm not a woman :P I've got most of the details fleshed out, but I'm always thankful for suggestions and such.


Anyway, I just wanted to get that out. So, if you feel like you want to help, I'm right here :D

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