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Best Voice Command Mod


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Hi all,

There are currently a few voice command mods for Skyrim, which one do you think is the best/easier to use for PC?


It seems that the 2 top ones are SkyVoice and Total Voice control. They both seem to support shouts and potions/weapons/equip sets.


Skyvoice seems to be newer so is it simpler to use than Total Voice Control?


And how about Spellshout, how does it compare?





Edited by alexisvx
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Well, no one seems to care about this!

For whomever might be interested, I spend some time compairing Sky Voice and Total Voice Control.

Overall, I prefer Total Voice Control because the author spent a lot of time creating profiles which will save some time while building your own. It also seem to be responding faster, although I did not do thorough testing.

However, Total Voice Control should be used with the mod 'More hotkeys please' instead of going through the complicated set up suggested by Total Voice Control. I think that mod was not out when he created the set up tutorial. Just load up the various profilies that the author provides then assign your binds to actual game keys via More hotkeys mod. Then go back to Total Voice Control Builder and add your actual binds via the virtual keyboard. It really changes how you play skyrim.

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