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drens villa


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Whenever i try to kill someone in drens villa there is this wierd guy who apears out of now where behind me with a glass dagger enchanted with a palaryze.So whenever i attack someone whith my daedric dia katana that does 60 damage plus 50 more cuz i enchanted it i get my :ranting: kicked by the ghost guy and the person i attacked.plz help me.where is the ghost guy? how does he appear out of now where? and what can i do to kill him?
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The other Navil brother is scripted to attack you from behind once you attack his brother in the downstairs room.


You can kill him by hitting him with a weapon or spell of some sort until his health meter registers 0 and he falls to the floor. :huh:

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i am majorly way higher leveled than him he doesnt even have armor and i have a glass set it is his :ranting: paralyzing sword!that is :ranting: vulking i cant :ranting: kill him!i put this :ranting: post to know how i can kill him! :help:

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Why are you killing people in Dren's villa anyway? If it's for the heck of it you'll quickly screw up most of the game's faction quests if you go around slaughtering indiscriminately. If you are there to kill them (two separate quests you can save up and do together - impossible to do it any other way actually) you would know who they were and why killing them could be difficult.


It is sometimes awkward to see the second brother if you are caught in the doorway. Run into the room and it will be easy!

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