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This isn't as much as a mod request but more of a "can you link me to some tight armors" mod pages. But if you feel you can make some tight armors feel free : )

I don't like all these bulky, 'fat', armors in skyrim, but armors that give the male body a slim and curved shape.

examples -







The first armor is courtesy of TERA armor conversions by asianboy345 and the second armor is part of Game of Thrones - Followers by donker316

The second armor I couldn't even use because it was invisible for whatever reason, if you think you can help me with that feel free to try.

And the first armor I've used so much that I got a little too used to it, and needed something new.



I think you get an idea of what I'm asking for or requesting, tight armors around the body : D



Sorry if I asked this in the wrong forum, I didn't know what other forum to post it in.

Edited by GRUWEN
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