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I kinda wish there was a more "vanilla-friendly" Kvatch mod.


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Before I start, let me say this is in no way any sort of bash towards mods like Kvatch Rebuilt and the like. With that one in particular, I think it's a great mod that has had a lot of hard work put into it over the years. However...


I've grown ever more increasingly fond of a mod like Kvatch Rebuilt that works wholly in the background, like other events in vanilla. Think something like Cropsford. You help then out, and over the course of several days while you're off doing other things, the town gets built.


KR is great at what it does, but it has too much of a hands on approach for me. You have to manually take part in the rebuilding process. Something that not only doesn't happen elsewhere in the game, but also makes all of the going back and forth fairly tedious.


What would be ideal is something that works like Cropsford. Maybe over the course of the Main Quest or just time in general, the town gradually gets Rebuilt whole you're away from it. I think you could also work around the issue of having no Count by being a little creative rather than creating a completely new character. You could have someone like Savlian, who gives up being a guard anyway.


It's just some thoughts I've pushed around over time. I wish I had the skills to implement this sort of thing myself, but sadly I don't. I was mainly wanting to know what everyone else thought of something like that.

Edited by Jathom95
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