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Mouth and Vag animation


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I have looked through many web and Nexus pages for someone who has made a mod that makes the mouth and vag open when something is inserted into it. Does anyone else find this annoying ? I have tired many mods and short of using some edit program there isn't one. If anyone can help that would be much appreciated..

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The latter is affected by objects with the necessary collision spheres for CBPC and whatever the analog to those are in SMP. The mouth is a different matter and afaik, there is no mod that offers that, although certain animations will cause the mouth to open, presumably as transitory expression modifiers.


for the one that does work, you'll need to choose an appropriate body model and companion preset when you build your body (CBBE special, UUNP Special, CBBE-3BB, or BHUNP...possibly others idk), AND you'll need to interact with "items" designed with those collisions in mind.

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