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WHY is the new X-Com worse than the old X-Com Apocalypse?


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Ok, the new X-Com has better graphics, great tunes and is fun to play.



The old X-Com Apocalypse I already played 15 years ago had


- overall much more variety

- awesome UFO fights where you actually could get involved with dozens of your fighting units

- ammo

- much more research options

- wider market options (e.g. buy and SELL ***ALL*** your produced stuff)

- SO much more


The new X-Com is


- super short, the game is over much too fast

- the UFO fights are a joke

- the research options are way too little

- where's dee ammo?

- can buy a fighter aircraft for 15 bucks WTF?

- totally mod-unfriendly, the zealous modders cant even add new items or research options!



Man. Please, somebody make a X-Com Part II. This is an awesome game, it doesn't deserve like that. Makes me sad.

Edited by mrsathletic
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I loved the old series and helped figure out how a lot of its mechanics work for the UFOpaedia wiki. There's a lot of things to like in the 2012 Enemy Unknown version, such as its great graphics, nice updating of a lot of the original, and the general feel.


But there are also a lot of clear problems. I can't believe they didn't have some sort of defaults for Overwatch/Hunker, when planning for reaction shots was so integral to the original. (It would have been SO easy for them to let any unused second-half movement be Overwatch or Hunker, and you could just hit Backspace to End Turn - but no, we have to specify it. Every. single. soldier. Every. single. turn. WTH.) Also there are bugs, perhaps due to a poor PC port, where e.g. the savegame system gets wonky if you have a lot of savegames; and you can't zoom and freely move; et cetera.


I get the impression that the majority of their crew was very talented (graphics, updating story, basic gameplay), but some of the final decision making was very poor (of when to ship it out the door and what to do for the port).


It's sad because it would be SO easy to fix this stuff, but they haven't, over a year later. Instead they are instantly on the DLC / expansion treadmill. Why do so few companies genuinely retroactively improve the gameplay of their flagship titles with patches these days, instead of full steam ahead into more content that also could obviously use the same few tweaks to make it so much smoother? (The Total War series is real bittersweet for me on this score.)


My two cents,



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